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Bargain Bucket
Check out our "Bargain Bucket" for information on special offers and clearance items. From seds to plant protection, this is the place to look for a saving!
Beneficial Insects
Solve your garden pest problems in a totally natural way. Introduce beneficial insects into your garden and watch them battle all the aphids and other nasties that spoil your vegetables and flowers!
Hand Made Garden Gifts
These handmade products represent some of the traditional skills that have been developed in this country over hundreds of years. They make really special gifts for friends and loved ones.
Pest Control
This section offers a number of products that can help you control various pest that you may encounter in the garden and in the home, including slugs, snails, aphids, clothes moths and flies.
Plant Protection
These products will help you protect and nurture your plants so that you can look forward to bumper crops!
Potting & Growing
Get your seedlings started in the best possible way with these potting products.
Riddles & Sieves
Handmade riddles and sieves - essential equipment for any serious gardener.
Herb Seeds, Wildflowers Seeds, Vegetable Seeds, Green Manure Seeds, Sprouting Seeds and Organic Seeds.
Traditional, handmade Sussex Trugs and other trug-type products.
Watering Kits
Kits to help simplify watering your greenhouse and household plants.
Wild Bird Care
Products to help your friends in the garden.
Wildlife Habitats & Feeders
One of the ways we can help animals in our garden is by providing places where they can shelter during bad weather, rest overnight and hibernate during winter.